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def extract_gp_body(st) text = st.gsub(/[ \r]+$/, "") + "\n\n" text.gsub!(/<-- .+? -->/m, "") text.gsub!(/<HTML>.+?<\/HTML>/mi, "") r = /http|internet|project gutenberg|mail|ocr/i while text =~ /^(?:.+?END\*{1,2} ?|\*{3} START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG E(?:BOOK|TEXT).*? \*{3}|\*{9}END OF .+?|\*{3} END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG E(?:BOOK|TEXT).+?|\*{3}START\*.+\*START\*{3}|\**\s*This file should be named .+|\*{5}These [eE](?:Books|texts) (?:Are|Were) Prepared By .+\*{5})$/ pre, post = $`, $' text = if pre.length > post.length*3 then pre elsif post.length > pre.length*3 then post elsif pre.scan(r).length < post.scan(r).length pre else post end end text.gsub!(/^(?:Executive Director's Notes:|\[?Transcriber's Note|PREPARER'S NOTE|\[Redactor's note|\{This e-text has been prepared|As you may be aware, Project Gutenberg has been involved with|[\[\*]Portions of this header are|A note from the digitizer|ETEXT EDITOR'S BOOKMARKS|\[NOTE:|\[Project Gutenberg is|INFORMATION ABOUT THIS E-TEXT EDITION\n+|If you find any errors|This electronic edition was|Notes about this etext:|A request to all readers:|Comments on the preparation of the E-Text:|The base text for this edition has been provided by).+?\n(?:[\-\*]+)?\n\n/mi, "") text.gsub!(/^[\[\n](?:[^\[\]\n]+\n)*[^\n]*(?:Project\sGutenberg|\setext\s|\s[A-Za-z0-9]+@[a-z\-]+\.(?:com|net))[^\n]*(?:\n[^\[\]\n]+)*[\]\n]$/i, "") text.gsub!(/\{The end of etext of .+?\}/, "") text = text.strip + "\n\n" text.gsub!(/^(?:(?:End )?(?:of ?)?(?:by |This |The )?Project Gutenberg(?:'s )?(?:Etext)?|This (?:Gutenberg )?Etext).+?\n\n/mi, "") text.gsub!(/^(?:\(?E?-?(?:text )?(?:prepared|Processed|scanned|Typed|Produced|Edited|Entered|Transcribed|Converted) by|Transcribed from|Scanning and first proofing by|Scanned and proofed by|This e-text|This EBook of|Scanned with|This Etext created by|This eBook was (?:produced|updated) by|Image files scanned in by|\[[^\n]*mostly scanned by).+?\n\n/mi, "") return text end
def extract_gp_body(st) text = st.gsub(/ +$/, "") + "\n\n" text.gsub!(/<-- .+? -->/m, "") text.gsub!(/<HTML>.+?<\/HTML>/mi, "") r = /http|internet|project gutenberg|mail|ocr/i while text =~ /^(?:.+?END\*{1,2} ? |\*{3} START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG E(?:BOOK|TEXT).*? \*{3} |\*{9}END OF .+?|\*{3} END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG E(?:BOOK|TEXT).+? |\*{3}START\*.+\*START\*{3}|\**This file should be named .+ |\*{5}These [eE](?:Books|texts) (?:Are|Were) Prepared By .+\*{5})$/ pre, post = $`, $' text = if pre.length > post.length*3 then pre elsif post.length > pre.length*3 then post elsif pre.scan(r).length < post.scan(r).length pre else post end end text.gsub!(/^(?:Executive Director's Notes:|\[?Transcriber's Note|PREPARER'S NOTE |\[Redactor's note|\{This e-text has been prepared |As you may be aware, Project Gutenberg has been involved with |[\[\*]Portions of this header are|A note from the digitizer |ETEXT EDITOR'S BOOKMARKS|\[NOTE:|\[Project Gutenberg is |INFORMATION ABOUT THIS E-TEXT EDITION\n+|If you find any errors |This electronic edition was|Notes about this etext: |A request to all readers:|Comments on the preparation of the E-Text: |The base text for this edition has been provided by).+?\n(?:[\-\*]+)?\n\n/mi, "") text.gsub!(/^[\[\n](?:[^\[\]\n]+\n)*[^\n]*(?:Project\sGutenberg|\setext\s |\s[A-Za-z0-9]+@[a-z\-]+\.(?:com|net))[^\n]*(?:\n[^\[\]\n]+)*[\]\n]$/i, "") text.gsub!(/\{The end of etext of .+?\}/, "") text = text.strip + "\n\n" text.gsub!(/^(?:(?:End )?(?:of ?)?(?:by |This |The )?Project Gutenberg(?:'s )?(?:Etext)? |This (?:Gutenberg )?Etext).+?\n\n/mi, "") text.gsub!(/^(?:\(?E?-?(?:text )?(?:prepared|Processed|scanned|Typed|Produced|Edited|Entered|Transcribed|Converted) by |Transcribed from|Scanning and first proofing by|Scanned and proofed by|This e-text |This EBook of|Scanned with|This Etext created by|This eBook was (?:produced|updated) by |Image files scanned in by|\[[^\n]*mostly scanned by).+?\n\n/mi, "") return text end
というわけで Ruby コードだが、そんなにトリッキーなことはしていないので他の言語に移植するのは難しくないだろう。
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Newsweek から 500 記事とってきて解析したりとか、なんか最近そんなことばかりやってるねー、というあたりは遠からずお見せできるかも?